Utah’s premier dui

and crIminal defense firm

Northern Utah
SLC Office: 801-746-0447

Southern Utah
St George Office: 435-251-9647

Drug Crime Defense Lawyers in Utah

If you’ve been arrested for a drug crime, that is not yet a conviction. Don’t let it become one!

Drug-Related Crimes Carry High Penalties

Utah is known for its punitive laws regarding drug crimes. These can range from something as minor as paying a fine, to a harsher punishment of serving jail or prison time. The effects and penalties of a drug-related conviction depend on what drug you are alleged to have possessed or if you are charged with drug distribution.

Consequences of a Drug Crime Conviction in Utah

If you’ve been arrested for any of the following items above, below is a brief list of the penalties associated with a conviction:

  • – Loss of driving privileges
  • – Loss of a professional license
  • – Ineligibility to apply for citizenship and potential deportation (for non-citizens)
  • – Ineligibility to obtain forms or apply for certain government aid (i.e. financial aid)
  • – Pay a large fine
  • – Potentially serve jail or prison time

The list of consequences is more than what we’ve featured above. Click on the button below to see all of the penalties that come with a drug crime conviction and what you can expect moving forward.

Why You Need A Drug Defense Attorney

The penalties following a drug crime conviction are severe, especially in Utah. Our experienced and aggressive drug defense attorneys will work tirelessly to keep you out of jail, keep your driving privileges so you can carry on with your life, and ultimately keep a conviction off your record. While nothing is guaranteed, your chances of attaining those things are higher if you get a professional to represent you in court.

Take Action Now. Call Our Drug Crime Lawyers Today.

If you want to increase your chances of getting the outcome you desire, you need an experienced drug defense attorney to represent your case now. Schedule a free consultation with our attorneys today. We’ll go over your situation, answer any questions that you have, and discuss the options as to how best to handle your case.

Get in Contact With Us

We Are Here For You



1445 East 3300 South

Salt Lake City, Utah 84106


321 North Mall Drive #0-201

St. George, Utah 84790


Request A Free Consultation

We really want to hear from you!

Note: We only handle Utah cases. If you have a case or charge in another state, please contact an attorney who is licensed to practice law in that state.

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