Utah’s premier dui

and crIminal defense firm


SLC: 801-746-0447
Southern Utah: 435-251-9647

Kidnapping or Abduction

The crime of kidnapping is always charged as a felony. This can come as a shock to the person facing the kidnapping charge, since the actual actions that resulted in the charge of kidnapping may not always seem to rise to such a serious level. We think of a creepy, suspicious van hanging around a school or playground, or some little girl snatched from her front yard by a passerby. It’s not always like it is in the movies.

For example, in a domestic fight, the girlfriend may demand to be let out of the car, but her boyfriend won’t let her out of the car. This could be kidnapping. A parent without custody may take the child across state lines or fail to return the child after a scheduled visitation. This is sometimes called “child abduction” and could be charged as kidnapping.

Even if the situation doesn’t seem serious to begin with, any type of felony criminal charge can result in very serious penalties, including jail time and a criminal record as a convicted felon, with all of the associated consequences.

Defense of Serious Felony Charges

At the Salt Lake City law firm of Schatz, Anderson & Associates, LLC, we focus our practice exclusively on criminal defense, including defense of serious felony charges like kidnapping. Our attorneys have more than 40 years’ combined legal experience, and we have built a reputation as a serious criminal defense law firm that is not afraid to take on complex or difficult cases all the way to trial, if necessary.

Our lawyers take the time to work closely with each individual client, in recognition that every case and every person is unique. In every case, however, our approach is the same—we will take aggressive and tough action to protect your legal rights. We will take every opportunity and raise every defense on your behalf, and we will keep you informed of your options and our recommendations at every step along the way.

Let's get started crafting your defense!

We have a fully staffed knowledgeable, experienced legal team ready to help you. Schedule your consultation today!